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How Do I Present Employment History If I Worked at Multiple Locations/Positions Within the Same Company?

by Anonymous

I worked for the same company for 8 years. Through the years, I worked at different locations and venues. How do I present my employment history to include the different venues and responsibility for each one?

ANSWER: As I see it, you have two different options here. Which you choose may depend on the type of resume you are doing.

The first option is to list each position separately, as though they were all completely different jobs, which it sounds as though they were. On your cover letter, you could make reference to the fact that all of the jobs in the last 8 years were actually at the same company, but represent lateral or upward moves (whichever may be the case).

Or... you could just show the whole 8 years as 1 job, under address, just list the separate locations as bullets. Then, I'd do a summary paragraph, explaining briefly the nature of your job changes within the company... for instance, was it a steady upward climb, with increasing responsibility as your experience and skill grew? Then, under the summary, I'd cherry pick no more than 10 significant accomplishments during all your positions. Try to quantify them if you can, and don't just make it a list of job tasks.

I don't think there is a right or wrong way to handle this. It basically comes down to personal preference.

Good luck with your job hunting!

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