Anne Applicant
123 Main Street – City, ST 00000
Phone: (555) 123-4567 – Mobile: (555) 555-5555
Fax: (555) 555-5555 – Email:


Contact Person's Name and Title
Name of Company
City, ST 11111

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr. (Contact's Last Name):

First Paragraph: This paragraph should grab the reader's attention right away and establish the purpose of your letter. Go for an original, natural opening, such as "When I saw your ad for …, I was intrigued because …", rather than something stilted like, "Enclosed you will find …" Be yourself. Name the specific position or job you're applying for and why you are interested in it. An effective and unique way to start is with a probing question or a quote.

Second & Third Paragraphs: This is where you'll sell yourself by showcasing your most significant abilities and/or achievements, as related to the needs of the job you're applying for. You'll also demonstrate the research you've done on the company and industry here. Be sure you tell how you can help the employer. Focus more on what you can do for them than on why you want the position. Sometimes it's easier to point out key experiences and vital personal qualities in a cover letter than it is in a resume.

Or, to draw attention right away to this section of the letter, you can also use bullets or a column approach, comparing what the employer is looking for and what you have to offer.

You seek:
At least 2 years of middle management experience

Creative problem-solving abilities

I come to you with:
5 solid years of middle management experience

Award-winning talent in finding innovative solutions to labor relations issues

Closing Paragraph: In this paragraph you state your commitment to initiate action. Refer to your enclosed resume and state your availability for interviews. Then, indicate when you will call to arrange a meeting time. The last sentence should thank the reader for his/her time.

Sincerely/Very truly yours/Best regards,

Your typewritten name and credentials

Enclosure: resume